Programming Tools & Computer Science I

CSC 185 & 201, Spring 2013, Northern Virginia Community College

Week 1: computer and file system intro


We'll talk about file system navigation, text editors, and a general computer overview.

Class notes

Notes from week 1.

File system navigation

Here's a quick summary of what we'll do on the command line today.

Some helpful links:

Text editors

You'll need to become comfortable using a text editor. You can use whatever you'd like as long as it has a hex editor. We'll go over Notepad++. In Notepad++, to enable the hex editor plugin, you have to check the option to allow unstable plugins in the plugin install menu.

I can also help with Vim or Emacs, but those are much more complicated.

To make whatever editor you choose easier to use from the command line, you can add its binary install directory to your path.