Homework 4: More classes and methods
Feb 20, 11:59PM
Send an email to me at
jal2016@email.vccs.edu with
subject CSC 201 HW4 with your answers attached in a zip file.
Alternately, if you follow the directions for
185 HW3, you can complete the project
started in repository folder homework/201/hw4
, and email me when
you're done.
Create a program that manages a collection of recipes. You should
define a text-based user interface that allows the following actions:
- Add a new recipe
- List all recipe titles
- Display a selected recipe
- Search for recipes containing a named ingredient
You should structure your program using multiple classes. One possible
design could include a class to represent a single recipe, and a class to
represent the collection overall.
You don't need to save your recipes to a file yet, but you should keep
that in mind for future work.