General info
- See the NVCC account info page for help with your LAN login.
- Academic calendar
Course info
- Course section materials repository. Contains collection of messy class notes.
- Course content summary.
- CSC 110 course materials (general 110 readings that we'll follow generally).
- Safari Books Online contains a huge library of books you can read for free (with a VCCS ID). See especially Getting Started with Processing and Learning Processing. Many more excerpts are recommended in the course materials.
Text editors
Much of our work will be done with plain text files. The built in notepad.exe on Windows works for this, but not very well.
You can use whatever you'd like as long as it has a hex editor. I'll use and help set up Notepad++ in class. I can also help with Vim or Emacs, but those are much more complicated.
In Notepad++, to enable the hex editor plugin, you might have to check the option to allow unstable plugins in the plugin install menu.
To work around installation limits on lab computers, here is a package of notepad++ with hex editor for Windows; there may be issues with hex editor usage, in which case you should look in the plugins directory and double-click on the hex editor DLL.