About homework pages
I'll update these pages with solutions later, if applicable.
About homework submission
Homeworks that do not follow submission instructions exactly will lose 25%. Late homework is not accepted.
Homework 1
Due: Thursday August 23, 11:59PM.
To submit: Send an email to me at jal2016@email.vccs.edu with subject CSC 110 HW1 that contains your answers.
Please list the following:
- Name
- Major and/or planned major
- How much previous experience you have with computers: Ever used one? Used one at school? At work? Programmed one? Used a spreadsheet? Used any scientific and/or data analysis applications?
- Something you're interested in, academic or otherwise
- Why you're taking this course. Include at least one specific topic you'd like to cover, but the more the better. Even better would be examples of problems you've wanted to solve with a computer, but either couldn't, or the solution took longer than you thought it should.
- What you hope to learn from this course
- Any other concerns you have